Co-founded in 2021 by April Swando Hu, NINEby9 www.nineby9.com aims to identify nine actionable outcomes to achieve gender equality over the next nine years in Asia.
The name symbolises the Chinese 9-9 infinity (九 九 恒久). The ‘nine’ also acknowledges the United Nations SDG Goal #5 for gender parity by 2030 which is nine years from now.
NNEby9 will present a positive action plan, based on a proprietary annual research study that captures the personal experience of working women. In July 2021, the initial survey includes 3,000 participants in six key APAC markets – China, India, Japan, Indonesia, Singapore and Hong Kong. The report will be published October 2021.
The NINEby9 vision is to positively impact the future for our daughters and sons, emerging leaders with expectations of gender parity.

In partnership with Zigen Fund (www.zigenfund.org), Swando is involved in scaling Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) teach training programmes for rural community leaders in China, supporting the transition to online training systems.
Current client projects include:
* “Scaleable Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in rural China”.
* Model of Eco-Green Cultural School in rural China
滋根基金会 www.zigen.org.cn
Zigen Fund www.zigenfund.org