Swando offers several consultancy services for Asia market entry and establishment optimized with cultural-effectiveness consultancy: SEED, BLOOM, YIELD, and BOOST.
SEED builds your foundation to strengthen connections amongst people. Expressed in Chinese as ‘destiny coincidence’ 缘分.
● Make matches in new markets
● Establish business objectives
● Balance career and family plans
● Strive for personal best
● 8 consultancy sessions, in-person or by zoom, over a subsequent 3-month period
● Profile tool eg Innovative Change Leadership inventory (iCLi)
Book free 15-minute session:
INVESTMENT: SEED costs US$5,000, with optional tranche payment schedule and package discount. There is a pre-SEED tranche of 2 sessions for US$1,000 that can be applied towards SEED.
BLOOM builds momentum on top of SEED expressed in Chinese as ‘flow with fateful coincidence’ 随缘 .
● Plan action for identified market matches
● Reinforce intuitive business decisions
● Open cultural resourcefulness
● Annunciate personal aspirations effectively
● An additional 8 consultancy sessions (following SEED), in-person or zoom, over a subsequent 3-month period.
● Facilitated meetings, up to 3, with potential partners
● Optional state-of-the-art Virtual Reality (VR) [] leadership training
Book free 15-minute session:
INVESTMENT: BLOOM costs US$5,000, with optional tranche payment schedule and package discount.
YIELD continues the successes of SEED and BLOOM for sustainable wins, expressed in Chinese as the ‘middle way’ 中庸之道。
● Optimize sweet spots for sustainability and resilience
● Co-create with divergent stakeholders to eliminate problems
● Implement plans for new Asia markets, and
● Self-generate sustainable momentum
● An additional 8 consultancy sessions (following SEED and BLOOM), in-person or zoom, over a subsequent 3-month period.
● Includes facilitated meetings, up to 3, with potential partners
● Access Asia and China e-commerce platform
● Exposure at World Economic Forum Week at Davos 2022
● Additional resources (at cost) such as project design, whole-system processes, interim management, synergistic new technologies, cross-cultural training, and state-of-the-art Virtual Reality (VR) [] leadership training
Book free 15-minute session:
INVESTMENT: YIELD cost US$5,000, with optional tranche payment schedule and package discount.
Be a member of Swando Collaboratory to boost efforts of cross-pollination, regenerative renaissance, and international network. By invitation only. Each collaborators cycle is normally three months.
INVESTMENT: Boost membership ranges from US$5,000 - 10,000 per quarter